Unusual Sky

One can't help believing sometimes that the 'ceiling of the world' must have something to do with portent. Clearly the weather can be predicted by the skies, but on some days, it seems ominous or unsettled or happy in ways that have nothing to do with the weather.

Unsettled is certainly how I feel...reeling from one executive order to the next; orders which are issued in exactly the same way as the now infamous tweets...off the cuff, spur of the moment, based on promises made in the same way. One tries to stay positive, but it is impossible to see how any of this can end well. 

On the other hand, the sky was quite beautiful when I looked out the window this morning and I stepped out on the porch with my camera.  Rain is predicted for tomorrow, which is probably the rational explanation for the clouds, so Ozzie hopped into the back of my little red car and we headed for Spring Lake while it is still dry.

At the lake there was a hawk in her usual place at the top of a tall pine tree overlooking the grassy slopes of the dam. There are very few raptors in OilMan's collection of bird books with all white breasts like she has so he has decided that she is a 'morph'.*

Thinking I might make something for Maya for her birthday, I was in the knitting shop when a rather grizzled older man came in asking if they had any 'of those pussyhats' for sale. The young woman who works there said that they had all been knitted by volunteers and given away before the Women's march. 'Well", he said, I need something pretty sturdy because it has to last for four years." I almost offered to knit one for him on the spot. 

The morning's clouds have now congealed into an inauspicious grey as we await the announcement of the choice for a new Supreme Court justice. What new hell is this likely to be....

i]'*In some birds, such as the well known Red Tailed Hawk, the same species can occur in two or more color types or 'morphs'...The species has both a dark and a light color morph. Research indicates that the hunting success measured by how much food they brought to their chicks differed depending on light levels.

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