Jarl Gets Interviewed

It's not been much of a day, cold and rained  most of the day, and tonight too.  There's a fair breeze blowing.

I've been working all day on the museum desk again today.  And it's been very busy, 1,500 folk through the door.  I went to snap photos of the Up Helly Aa Jarl Squad, unknown to me, my battery was flat!  After a busy day, I'm enjoy the soda and telly, and the heavy rain this evening has put me off seeing the Up Helly Aa procession.  Off to work in the pub later. 

Up Helly Aa has come around again, hairy vikings take over our streets again.  They visit various locations around the town, and also pop by us at the museum, locals and tourists love it.  After meeting and greetings in the museum, STV reporter Louise Cowie, got the chance to interview Guizer Jarl, Lyall Gair with torches, before the real event.  Hope all have a great night and party hard all night.  Taken at the Shetland Museum, Lerwick. 

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