
Tuesday is most often a relaxed day. Washed my car, took away all the Christmas lights outside the house, cleaned my skis. They are now ready to be used again. Don`t know when. Not much snow around Oslo. I meet in my Rotary club on Tuesdays and eat my supper there. Nice cod today. Thus on this day, I don`t make dinner for Mrs B and myself.  By the way, she is out having dinner with some friends tonight. She will be out tomorrow too so I do not have to make dinner for her every day. Glad she is active. I went by the tram to the city to join my club. It goes every 7th minute, still I got time to sit down at the tram stop looking for something to blip. There it was, at the other side of the tram track waiting for the tram to go the other direction. Blip! Believe it tells that it was a bit chilly this evening. Tomorrow afternoon is pickup time for Herman. I bring  him here, give him something to eat before we go swimming. Looking forward to see him. His fantasy is increasing. He wants to change his name and tells me to call him Andreas. He will not answer if I call him Herman. See what his name will be tomorrow.        

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