Going with the flow

We didn't do the day as planned. We pottered off the beaten track on our way to the Old Town and found a souvenir shop in an old church. We went in and bought a few small things mostly to see what it was like inside. We were about to leave when we were invited into the cellar. What a joy. Amidst shelves of mostly tourist tat in the middle, shelf upon shelf lined the walls with Port and Madeira. We looked at the 1975 Port which was a snip at €225 a bottle!
It was forecast for cloud all day but we managed a very pleasant alfresco lunch. As we were about to leave it started to rain so we made for the guided tour of Blandy's the Madeira house. Brilliant fun. Really interesting with a tasting to look forward to at the end.
These are satinwood storage vats. Each holds 9000 litres. Hic!

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