Dancing in the Wind
After a calm cool morning, this afternoon the winds picked up and became really strong, just about gale force. And it is really cold.
This morning I got my results from my MRI from the Specialist. The good news is my bones look good.. what they did find was a water sack around the bone in the lower leg with a lot of inflammation surrounding it that is pressing on the bone. The radiologist doctor said they would like to do another MRI with dye. They think I may have a foreign body in my leg, like plant matter.
My Specialist wants to wait another week as the infection may get better. I had to have another blood test. The worry with this problem is you can get blood poisoning if the infection doesn't cleared up. Which means a operation to try and remover what ever the foreign body is. I had that once before with my hand and ended up in hospital for a week.
So good news bad news!
My oldest son came around after work and is doing some painting touch ups. Not long now and we well be on the market.
This Cosmos was blowing around so much I didn't think I would get anything in focus.
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