Back in the box

The pieces are all packed away again after a late night playing Britannia round at F's with the usual four - me, L, F and D. My poor form continued with my second fourth place in a row, while L won for the second time in a row. We are now ten games into our twenty-four game sequence, playing every possible permutation of the four players and four colours. Last night my Welsh were woeful - didn't even make it to York (which will mean something to you if you know the game). The Caledonians struggled to hold their traditional territories, the Danes had to deal with an already occupied east coast and the Jutes didn't manage anything of any consequence. All leading to score that was 'well off the pace' compared to the other three, who were within ten points of each other.
A lazy day after the late night, although I did manage to meet up with my good friend J who was in Edinburgh with her man M and we went for a cuppa and a chat in Miro's on the Prom. Great to see them and have a bit of a catch up.

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