Slow worms view

(Sorry more Daffs and no slow worms. The daffs form a circle around the birch tree but decided on this blip).
A quick play with settings and camera position. A pleasant afternoon outside and all go in the house in readiness for an off island jolly for two weeks. Tomorrow we head for Edinburgh and an overnight stay near the airport.

A wander outside this afternoon to look for a tree creeper and wren for the RSPB bird count but no joy or unusual garden birds. Luckily the usual suspects appeared including the blue, great and coal tits and chaffich, green finch, gold finch and Siskin. Also collared doves, blackbirds, jay, song thrush, Robin, dunnock and our special gold crest.

I contacted blip central to ask why the EXIF info on my blips doesn't show. Annie from BC believes it could be the Fujifilm app ( for the wifi) thats stripping the info. It's beyond me to know what to do which is annoying if I want to check the blip info. The info appears on the LCD screen of the camera and I'm trying to keep a note but not an ideal way unless taking a couple pics at a time.

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