Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Pick Up Song

My Dear Fellow,

The day started off with CHORES. What manner of Sunday is THIS?!?

The reason being that Er Indoors got up and decided to unpack her suitcase. Yes, that's right. The one that arrived back at the flat on Tuesday 27th of DECEMBER.

Just over a month. Nothing odd about that. Shut up. Moving on.

So I've acquired some new clothes that I didn't know my lovely wife had purchased for me in NZ. It is like 2nd Christmas! Yay! 

But anyway, because Er Indoors was busy I decided to give my bailiwick a good going over. Washing up, cat boxes, laundry, hoovering. While doing all of the above I put on my "housework" playlist to keep up morale. The housework playlist consists of various me & Er Indoors classics including "Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps", "Lola", "Con Mi Nota En Do" and "The Pina Colada Song". We're a family with eclectic or possibly "completely effing random" tastes.

And I found myself inadvertently playing "Pick Up Song" as occasionally the song couldn't be heard over the roar of the hoover, or the growl of the boiler. I kept on singing along, but when the local noise died down, was I within a "gnat's crochet" of the original singer?

No. I must confess, my timing is rubbish. And on one occasion I got so enthusiastic about "Love Is A Battlefield" it turned out I was still singing the song long after Pat Benatar had given it up and gone home. "We are YOUNG," I was going, "heartache to heartache we STAND..." And meanwhile Dolly Parton was onto "Here You Come Again".

Oh well. It could be worse. I could be Jeremy Hardy.

El P.

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