A Reception at the River

I took my picture with only 4 of the wedding planners in the picture. But, the time was fast approaching. As I stayed at a distance, the white chairs quickly filled up with people, and the bridesmaids slowly walked down the aisle. The groom and his men were in place, and the beautiful bride was poised on the front porch. But, I could tell by the look on her face that something was wrong...something was amiss. Still...with her father, she advanced. Here comes the bride...here comes the bride.

She was near tears, and then we all found out why. She spoke as best she could. "Our...singer...is...stuck...in...traffic. Can anyone here sing?"

I waited for a show of hands, but none came up. With just a little trepidation...I opened the gate, and stepped forward. "I sing in the shower, plus...I've seen Fiddler on the Roof several times. Will that do?"

The bride cried..."It'll have to."

I took off my camo hat, and started in my best Tevya impression.

Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this that little boy that played?
I can't remember getting older...
when did they?

I don't know how, but it came off without a hitch. I stepped back, listened to the rest of the ceremony, and waited to congratulate the new couple.

The bride said..."That was awesome. How can we ever thank you?"

The groom said..."I'll tell you what...you go grab yourself one of those envelopes out of our gift box, and...tell the chef to give you a plate of chicken."

So, for my professional debut, I got a hundred dollar bill, and 2 chicken breasts.

That story was untrue, but this next part IS true.

The house in the background was built in 1913. What's different about it? It is a mail-order house from Sears and Roebuck (a big department store.) It arrived in pieces by rail into Tampa, and then the pieces were floated on a barge to its riverside location...before being put together here in Palmetto, Florida. It has 22 major rooms, 4 fireplaces, and 10 foot high ceilings.

It is now operated as a bed and breakfast. A pretty place.

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