Roly's Life

By Roly

Falmouth Bay

In contrast to yesterday, it has been a glorious day today! I was up early (for a Saturday) as we had 2 guests overnight - Pete, a regular visitor, and Chris, who I met 20 years ago when I temped for a while at MrRoly's work.

As they were all a bit groggy after their night out and the guests had a long drive home, I suggested a walk along the sea front while I took Smallest to his swimming lesson. We then met them at Gylly. It was beautiful and quite warm, even springlike!

Chris and Pete then left and we set about stripping beds and washing bed sheets - I cannot remember the last time I changed the kids beds! Shocking mother. I realise that actually I have coped with working full time but coped is as good as it gets. I am looking forward to my 1 day working week this week coming and have numerous chores planned that have been ignored since the end of October.

With a Burns Night planned for this evening, the afternoon was spent haggis hunting (successfully). A thoroughly enjoyable time followed with Clare, Mick, Christine and Terry. Always good company, we really should get together more often!

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