Well done!!

Today is Katie's biggest day at the music festival- she had three of her 4 entries. This morning she had her piano solo. She had a panic about it but ended up going on and being fabulous & coming second. We had a coffee & cake with grandad and granny and a little look in a couple of shops then we went to a small contemporary art gallery. The owner was rather enchanted by the fact that katie was really enjoying it. We headed home for a bit of practise time for the afternoon's duets. We met back up with granny and grandad to get some lunch then went back to find B.

First up of the afternoon was her and I's duet. Like last year, it was me who got nervous and me who made the errors. This year, she was absolutely brilliant at handling it and carrying on where necessary or working out how to respond where otherwise necessary, she was awesome. And we came second. Her last entry of the day was her & B doing a swing piece. They were fabulous. I absolutely loved watching that. They looked like they both had a total ball & B looked so proud of our little Katie.

Granny grandad came home for tea and some games. Though first katie showed them every one of her new dance costumes and spent a while just dancing to several pieces of music. We were late getting her to bed as I had some stuff to deal with but in the end I lay on the bed with her in my arms and stroked her face as she nodded off.

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