
By SC26

A Close Call

The last morning of our holiday rolled around, and we spent it taking a final wander along our canal, spending the last of our euros and visiting the little houseboat museum- this is the living room on the boat- I'd be pretty happy if my front room looked like this.

After a very leisurely few hours, a spectacular misjudgement of time meant that we somehow left ourselves about an hour too little time to make our ferry. The massively unhelpful information person at the station told us it couldn't be done, but determined we rushed on to the intercity train to Rotterdam, and found a connecting train which got us to the terminal 20mins after check-in closed. Fortunately a frantic text to G in the UK meant he could speed dial Holland and speak to the check-in people directly and they held it open for us! Phew! The near-miss sent us a bit hyper for a while, and the rest of the six hour crossing passed really quickly.

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