A bit of dripping ice....

The temperature dropped to 28 degrees during the night, and we've been having flurries off and on all day, but nothing has accumulated. Still no sign of the sun--I think this is day # 12 since the sun was last spotted!
I picked up my friend this morning and drove her over to her S/O's place (he passed away about 2 months ago) to help her pack up the last of her things. She's having a terrible time coping with his death; she's depressed, has been having panic attacks, isn't eating & isn't sleeping at night; I don't like that she's been taking tranquilizers and drinking wine as well, & I've been urging her to get some help. Today she told me she's started seeing a grief counselor which I think can only help, & I keep telling her to call me anytime day or night if she needs to talk--she's been calling every couple of days. It makes me feel helpless to see her having such a difficult time, & I know that everyone works through grief differently and at their own pace, but I don't want anything to happen to her! She treated me to lunch after we finished loading up the car, and we talked for a long time....at least she was laughing quite a bit and said she felt better for getting out. On the way home I stopped at the Lakefront, where I spotted this "dripping" ice coming off the branches on the shoreline....I risked life and limb climbing over the rocks to get closer to it, (well, okay--maybe getting closer wasn't really too perilous--only in a couple of spots!) as this was the only spot that had a bit of ice on it! :))

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