The Birds

The rain was so heavy and the road was so wet I nearly turned around and went back to bed this morning.  But I didn't.  
After my swim and breakfast in a new-to-me cafe in Midleton I had to meet a man about a bird.  Or a load of birds actually. 
I had been put in touch with a member of the East Cork branch of Birdwatch Ireland.  He brought me to a magnificent hide, which unfortunately due to bureaucracy we couldn't find is not open to the public.  Also unfortunate was the lack of birds - the tide was out, and so were the birds.  So I just had to imagine the 3,000+ Icelandic Black-tailed Godwits that might have been there.  
Even birdless, it was lovely this morning.
I'll go back again, when the tide is in.  

Does that pole on the right bother you? 

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