In search of mist...

There was quite a lot of mist around first thing this morning but by the time I drove around looking for suitable landscapes it was mainly burnt off or it looked OK in the distance but vanished as you got nearer to it. In the end  headed off towards Haddington as it the mist sits in the dip in which the town is situated. This is a view of a farm looking south from the A199. I just managed to get two or three minutes of sunshine before it disappeared behind a cloud leaving a totally flat and dark view. 

As I did not feel I had met my brief adequately I had included a shot of the deer in the paddock behind us. There were four of them around today and one or two of the younger ones were quite frisky but unfortunately I was not able to capture any action and the extra I have added illustrates how well hidden that can be tucked away in the long grasses

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