
By Murmuration

Can you tell what it is yet?

No outside blips today as it has been rather wet...

This time last year i joined a local evening class to dabble in a bit of stained glass making. No great ambitions other than to surprise my mum and Mr murmuration with a little stained glass something at Christmas.

Both my mum and Mr murmuration were duly surprised/bemused by their gifts and, mums being mums, mine saw in her daughter a talent which - to be frank - did not exist and asked if I would make a stained glass cat for her friend.

This is the work in progress. As you can see the joins are a bit dodgy and to say it is lacking in symmetry would be an understatement! I'm hoping to fill the gaps with solder. Next step is to make the circular border. Watch this space, it may make a future blip, if I haven't totally shredded my fingers - there will be blood!

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