An Evening of two parts

Last night we had tickets to see Hacksaw Ridge at the Open Air Cinema.
It was a warm evening and the forecast rain did not evenuatate.   
It is quite a venue, as before the screen is raised (just before the start of the film) we had a great view towards the bridge and Opera House...including a liner leaving with lights blazing. 
.........................And then the film started
The film was which is based very firmly on a true story is about an American conscientious objector who served in the Second World War as a medic at the Battle of Okinawa. 
The scenes of fighting and hand to hand combat were truly too awful to watch. Just so unbelievable what humans are capable of! and capable of enduring.
My thoughts immediately went to my father who served in the British Army and saw action in Burma. We know he had experienced some horrific events (including hand to hand combat), but never spoke about them........ except once to my husband. 
He was in some ways a troubled man who in later life had terrible flashbacks and nightmares. But given his experiences it was not surprising.
Harrowing as it was, this film certainly gave me a slight understanding of what he must have encountered in his early life.

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