Over Yonder

By Stoffel

XXX: The Return of 2002

My Dear Fellow,

Another night out. Aren't I the social butterfly?

Tonight I was out with "Mad Dog" to see the high-quality Oscarworthy epic "XXX: The Return of Xander Cage". 

This is the sequel to a TERRIBLE film which I also went to the cinema to see on purpose in about 2002, I think. I went to see that with Lainey Hynd as I recall and we walked out vowing to never, ever, EVER watch another Vin Diesel film. Not ever.

I am rubbish at oaths. 

Anyway, the film was unmitigated CRAP. But strangely, knowing that going in this time made it much more bearable. And it suddenly became apparent that no-one in the film was taking it remotely seriously and actually it was all kind of a lark.

So this time around I had a much better XXX experience. I'm not saying I would recommend this film. It will take your mind about the international situation though. It is hard to worry about global warming when you are thinking, "But how DO you survive being blown up by a rogue satellite that has been deliberately dropped on your head??"

Also, it has one of the most racially diverse casts ever. This is in the name of tolerance and understanding and not at all to sell it to the Bollywood and Chinese markets. Shut up.

"Mad Dog" was on fine form. It occurred to me that I've been getting drunk at the pictures with him since "Star Trek: Insurrection" in 1998. That all ends this year, of course. Maybe he and I can get hammered on FaceTime.

El P.

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