To show from where I came
Beanie is a different creature entirely from Beau Cat.
Where Beau wants to sit and cuddle, and talk constantly, in Cat Talk, Beanie is an animal of other sorts.
Beanie does her own thing.
When Beau sleeps on the bed with you - you know it. You are trapped by the sheer weight of her arse. When Beanie sleeps on the bed, she is like a feather - laying with no impact on the person underneath.
She walks where she wants to walk. Eats when she wants to eat. Sleeps wherever the hell she wants to sleep. Some days she will go out and not come in for hours and hours, and we have absolutely no idea where she has been.
Tooli left the house last week and passed her Sitting in the middle of the road, two streets away. She, (Beanie, not Tooli), has come home with Newts, Mice, Moles, Voles, Pigeons, and Rats.
She comes downstairs, walks to the door of whatever room we are in, and shouts "EH", and we say "Eh?" and She Says "Eh", and walks off. God forgive us if we don't follow. "eh eh eh eh" We get in increasing volumes.
Typically she wants two lumps of cat meat and three biscuits. and then the door opened so that she can leave us tedious humans.
But then, once in a while, she tranforms into a complete petal.
Tonight, she wandered upstairs with me. Sat on the papers on the desk, while I fiddled with the computer. Shared some popcorn with me, and then "eh'd" me to open the blind so that she could look out.
And there she sat, and let me take a wee snap.
Aint she cute
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