Hello :o)

It's been a while. I'm getting back on my feet, slowly. These two mini blip-kids played together in the way that I always hope my Boo will play but it rarely ever happens. They shared toys (mostly), they took photos of each other, they splashed about in a bowl of water, they even danced and giggled gleefully together. It was so refreshing to do something 'normal' and catch up with a friend over a brew after weeks and weeks of things being so rough. Little Lady's Mum let me have a play with her camera. I'm obviously out of practice and have no idea how to work her camera, hence the uber-editing to make this image even vaguely blippable! It feels good to be back on the blip wagon again though, although I expect I may not manage a daily offering for quite some time yet. Great big thanks to Glass house Mama for your company today, and to all the rest of you lovely blippers who have kept me sane over the last couple of months - You know who you are, and you rock!! I never imagined when I joined blipfoto that I'd find such a support network here, and not just a 'virtual' one, but a real live actual network of friends who I can bare my soul with, without fear of being judged. 'Tis a special place, this land of blip!

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