A big day

Katie was really excited about today, though I have tried to downplay it. Today she had a trial at what we were considering could be her new dance class. It's been a very difficult decision to even look into trying a new one but she was so looking forward to this class today that I find it hard to argue the validity of the need to look.

It was a trial- but it was a 2-way trial. It was her trialling the class, and then trialling her. The teacher suggested putting her in today at the grade she dances at currently and if she felt she needed to move katie up, she would. She had explained she has a policy for promising students of them doing their grade and then also dancing the one above for free. So today she went to her grade. I was quite apprehensive for her. She was simply excited. She woke at 530 and had beautiful exam-standard hair and bag packed by 630.

When we got to class, the teacher was at the door waiting for her. She took her immediately from me and into the class ahead of the other girls. Katie said she sat with her having a chat. I pottered like a bit of a lost sheep for a while. I do jobs for he ballet school at Katie's normal class so just being a mummy was strange. When I got back, the assistant immediately came to me and said "I haven't been able to take my eyes off her the whole time, she's amazing". Her teacher kept her back til last then brought her to me. She told me that katie had done brilliantly and is really talented. She's said she wants her to dance the grade up, which means she will do a double class on a Tuesday- her grade 2 class and grade 3 straight after.

I really like the teacher. She's gentle, kind, thoughtful- yet also gets amazing results from her students. Katie came out of the class with a sparkle to her that I haven't seen after dance class in a long time. She's committed to show exams at the current school in two weeks and a competition at half term, we've invested time and money, so it will be double classes until then. After that I think we will be making a clean break. its going to be very very hard saying goodbye and I know it's going to shock a lot of people. But it's right for katie. And for me too I think. I feel a big responsibility making this decision. Dance friends are dance family. And it's important to katie. But she needs to be happy. We've had a tough few weeks, more than can be explained as simply tiring days of panto. Given how she lifted tonight, I wonder how much of it has come from dance shool stress. I am so proud of her for being brave enough to try today. Even more so because she went, tried hard and absolutely loved it. Well done Bubba xxxx

Some lovely friends sent her some dance costumes and leos. She had to try it all on immediately after class and refused to stop dancing for about an hour more!

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