Slow day. Feeling rotten this morning, so took an extra hour in bed which seemed to help. Mid-morning an incomprehensible text from CarbBoy (he insists on texting in English, which he can't spell and which auto-corrects to nonsense, and he thinks I understand emoticons). A later call from the school confirmed that he was poorly, so he came home early and was tucked up on the sofa with calpol and chocolate milk.
With us all feeling somewhat below par, we turned the fire up high, shut the curtains and watched a movie.
Some perkiness later saw CarbBoy at his tutor, and TallGirl and I clothes shopping at her instigation. She wanted a jumper, but came home with a leather(ish) jacket (80% off, but I still think I was had.)
Later, very exciting Sherlock (end of season 2) and earlyish nights all round.
The rose is from a fantastically extravagant bunch bought for me by our neighbours.
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