Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Time for school

Getting the kids ready in the morning isn't easy at the best of times but when I'm less mobile, it becomes harder than ever.  The wee man is supposed to start school at 8:30am, allowing me time to get to work for 9am but I normally sign him in at 8:45am.  Thankfully he attends a hippy Montessori school rather than a posh academy or else we might find ourselves in detention!

This morning however, the wee man said 'Mama, it's 8:40. We're too late for school. You might as well turn round'. I think he wanted to stay home with me.

For the last couple of days I've been working from home.  It's not ideal but at least i'm able to rest my legs and keep them somewhat elevated.  It's amazing to feel the difference when I actually do that too.  Because I was initially only supposed to be out for 2-3 days, I unwittingly tried to do too much too soon - probably exasperating the injury.  

I must admit, it's great having Nikki's mum in town.  Unfortunately I've twice been on antibiotics so I've not had as many opportunities as I'd like to share a glass of wine (or the single malt whisky from Australia) but the help and support she offers while she's here is amazing.

I honestly don't know how we would have coped over the last month without her!

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