
I have to admit, I've been doing a lot of shoe observing over the past six days.  My beautiful friend has been taking some time out in hospital but I'm very happy to report that in a couple of hours we'll be winding our way up the hill from Penrith to Blackheath and home to Wombat Hollow.  CCN is feeling a ton better than she has been for almost eight weeks now.  

It's times like this that you do in fact have time to reflect A LOT on what is important to you in your life.  I have also been able to observe the wonderful people who toil away in the health system in our country.  They are truly the unsung heroes and I have so much admiration for them.  We have both been treated with the utmost respect and kindness since CCN arrived at Emergency on Friday evening.

I do know that I have missed my buddy and I am so happy that we will be back home together very shortly.

I just want to thank Mr and Mrs Beckett who so spontaneously agreed to give me a bed for the night last Friday evening.  It was such a gift as it meant I could be close to the hospital and they were also able to give me some much needed moral support.  Two of the kindest blippers in the business I reckon - thank you from the bottom of my heart Tom and Wendy

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