A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Tiring Tuesday

I could have taken a picture of my watch which kind of says it all: 20,962 steps; 18.87km.

But Albi's prettier and I think this angle shows off the splendid scarf she has been busy making for herself.

Despite an long early morning dog walk and the promise of a shorter one in the afternoon with Albi and Jackson, I somehow thought making a spontaneous decision to join Carlos on his lunchtime run was a good idea. Afterwards there was no blood available for my brain and it stopped functioning properly. Arguably it had stopped earlier. It is the first run I have done in about two years and Carl is well in to his training for a half marathon. We ran together for a bit then I sent him on his faster, longer way and waited to see what point on the return journey he would pick me up again. I did considerably better than I expected but apparently it is a bad sign that I am feeling it already. In the adrenaline fuelled post run high I was planning my next run...right now it seems hard to imagine when that might be.

At least with that step count I can probably have one entire day on the sofa.

Lesley x

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