ready for a drink and a bath.
The day started so grey and we never saw the sun.
After lunch Piet Hein and I drove to the supermarket, did some shopping, and then started our walk, our goal the Eisenbahnerheim where we would bring the horses some carrots. But first we went to the swan pair and the ducks, delivered some bread. One of the swans was so angry with a duck that he nearly killed the poor animal. At last the duck could fly swiftly away.
At the Eisenbahnerheim we met with the owner of the horses Paule and Lucky, and the third horse Fricko, 22 years old, belonged to another person. We were surprised to see Paule outside the gate, eating from a big bucket. It turned out that he had a special diet, because he had lost so much weight.
I gave the horses each some carrots.
In earlier years we had seen the water for the horses sometimes frozen,
but now we were told the bath filled with water, was warmed during the night with lamps, and a bit oil was spread upon the surface.
We stayed for quite a while, talking with the gentle woman. Lucky was allowed to eat the remaining bits, and the bassin was refilled with loads of water.
Then we descended the hill to town and drove home.

The Blue Tit I think is a tiny bird, and it is my picture for the Tiny Tuesday challenge. Huge thanks to jensphotos for hosting.

I gave hearts for silly pictures to lisabet, peterbjordan, evolybab, loisbiz and Swannie.

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