
By Veronica


S went on a more challenging group walk this morning, while I pottered, around the house and in Vélez (taking advantage of the brief moment of sunshine on the terrace at lunchtime to sit outside with a book). Just as our area of France is rich in doors, I could do a window project in Spain. They offer a golden opportunity to add colour and texture to the inevitably white walls.

In the afternoon, acting on recommendations from someone in S's walking group we went to Nigüelas, a village in the Lecrin valley. Although it was sunny, it was surprisingly cold when the wind got up, and we had a chilly walk round the deserted streets, followed by coffee in a bar. We tried going back by dead reckoning in order to avoid the motorway, but without a large-scale map it didn't work too well. After I had driven up and down many gorges and along village streets inches wider than the car, we gave up and let the satnav direct us back to the motorway. We'd obviously gone very wrong because we had to retrace about the last 10 km of our route. But getting lost is an integral part of being on holiday.

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