Roman Road

Active Bank Holiday fun for us today, first up a big dog walk round the Magog Down, which was ace, Alf managed it without one single whinge..

After then spending a load of cash in Waitrose (try going to Waitrose and not spending less than £30, impossible, I've gone in there for a paper and spent more, I try but they sell Buffalo burgers which are hard to resist). Poppy and I went for a bike ride along the Roman Road that runs between Godmanchester and Colchester. Clearly we did not go the whole way, just a couple of miles and back. Poppy cycled really well, we had a great time (even if we did get a little damp). Poppy told me lots of exciting things about the Romans, and we discussed ghosts, dead Romans, ancient times, archeology and Poppy's excellent bike.

Time for Gin I suspect...

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