I love this but The Boss generally frowns on it as he says it is anti social
and might upset the folk that walk past.
It works like this…..
I am asleep but my finely tuned K9 approach radar is operating at 5 Ghz, the same speed as The Boss’s modem thingie.
Movement is detected on MY lane and after a detailed analysis and associated output I spring into action, race down the stairs (did I mention I was asleep upstairs for better radar operation) crash through my dog door and hotfoot it to the nearest fence to engage the enemy…. Errr well actually there are pretty friendly…anyway better to be sure so the barkbul assault begins and with luck the other dog will bark back and then its game on…so to bark…Errrr well that’s obvious I would have thought. (yes I do in spite of what The Boss thinks)
Exceptions to this are…..
The Boss anticipating this has shut the dog door.
The Boss has got really serious about trading me in on something quieter…Maybe a Goldfish?
This is a couple of Blue gum trees by the Mt Iron Trail.
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