Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

Getting Ready

I'm getting ready for a meeting
So please excuse the clutter
Ignore the myriad sounds of me
As I curse, mumble and mutter
You see the nerves are starting
The butterflies beginning to flutter
And it doesn't help to know
That I'll get flustered and stutter
Each year I put myself through this
Why? Because I'm a mad nutter

But this year's kinda special
With not one meeting but two
The first is a normal one of sorts
And aquaintances old I'll renew
But the other! Ah yes the other
Now that's a secret as yet from you
A treat long time coming, long awaited
And I admit, I'm nervous, it's true
Will they like who they meet? Ah well!
All's ready. There's nowt more I can do!

It's a long drive to where we're going
From Lancashire to the bonnie Exmoor
Around about five or maybe six hours
From closing our front door
But believe me when I tell you
I'd be happy to drive six hours more
For Exmoor is a place where I'm happy
In a thatched cottage I truly adore
So good bye to blipland from me now
I'll be back with my blip-photo tour

Terry Rhiannyr
August, 2012

First of my back blips.... only 10 more to go... :D

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