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By Swa

Smile please ...

Well, what to say. I love snakes. When i visited my village during this trip to India, I could click a few shots of this magnificent fella.
The person who stays right in front of our house in my village is a 'Sarp Mitra' meaning, snake friend. He works for this organisation which help people as well snakes. They free the humanised areas of snakes. If a snake is noticed in a local area he is called and then he catches the snake and captures it only to release it in the jungle later. He was very kind to let me take a few shots of the freshly captured, healthy, perfectly grown 6.5 feet Cobra. According to him, it had venom to kill around 40 people.
I would like to dedicate this blip to a person who has captured and studied over 3500 snakes for the last 15 years only to save the snakes and humans harming each other.

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