Roly's Life

By Roly

St Michaels Mount

I had decided that today was a family day out as the forecast was good. Obviously it rained all morning but The Boy was at a birthday party until midday anyway.

We headed off towards the dark clouds and came out the other side at Marazion. A lovely wander around the town (a coin hike) and dinner in a pub did us nicely. A quick frolic on the beach then onwards to Penzance.

I redid the visit I did with Mum last year as neither MrRoly or the children have been to Penzance other than our Mazey Day visit soon after we moved to Cornwall. Everyone seemed to enjoy it and it was even commented that we should have family days out like this more often!

We returned to Falmouth weary and decided that tea at 5 Degrees was the way forwards. Now home again and the Sunday routine is well under way with the additional excitement of interview prep!!

Thank you for all the well wishes yesterday - I am wavering between confident and panic in an almost hourly cycle...

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