
After the tiny birds who generously made an appearance today. Apart from chasing the birds she was actually bloody annoying, having decided that all small children throw stones which she would like to chase. It was a beautiful morning, there were quite a few small children who were indeed throwing stones. On the whole small children are happier just throwing stones without a close and eager audience of a soaking wet dog who is nearly as big as them. Overall then, quite a tiresome walk.

I did most of the cooking for the week while overseeing* the start of the f***ing project. The Wright Brothers as the inventors of choice have been decided upon, you may feel sorry for me over the next four weeks.

Then I went to the gym and with great bravery and strength of mind (I'm building my part up here) actually stepped off the treadmill and did a load of other stuff I normally do with Mika. Obviously I likely stopped each thing earlier than he would have let me but still, I was v happy with myself.

And home for my gin and tonic prize lots roast lamb which I suddenly got a big craving for last week. Bring on the mint sauce!!! (Just typing that has made my mouth water!). And Will has remade the Stolen Crumble so we can do the assessment he needs to complete, Rosie not being particularly forthcoming in her feedback of Crumble 1. I guess homework isn't all bad.

* being in the same room as while finding better internet pages to copy stuff from.

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