Out with the walkers B team today. I love walking with these guys and today we set off from Bremner Bay round the lake edge and down the Outlet track.
The Boss kept stopping to take photo's and when we looked up the team was gone. This happened a couple of times and luckily the polite blokes at the back stopped so we could catch up. After lunch (theirs NOT mine) The Boss devised a devious scheme. He got up while everyone was still eating and announced that we were off back and would be taking pictures so they would catch up. Worked a treat and by the time they did catch up The Boss had photographed himself dry. The usual Coffee stop back in town fixed that.
In the 11 years that The Boss has lived here he has never seen the lake like this. It is low, very low and with a low snow cap there are going to be long term storage problems. Not with Wanaka I hasten to point out but the water flows down the Clutha to many hydro stations and if Wanaka is like this so are the other Southern Hydro lakes. I must confess I am not directly effected as my house under the stairs is self heated by ME and my curls are wonderful insulation. The problem will not occur until next winter so there is still lots of time for the weather to change and fix the storage problem but if it doesn't The Boss will need his big jersey and I will need my curls.
Walk forward a bit
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