High cirrus (Day 618)

What a day! We started off with the usual wander up the hill with the dogs. The weather forecast had promised clear skies, and the cloud cover was beginning to break up a bit as we strolled along watching Talisker "hunting".
Back at home my beautiful wife and I got ourselves ready and headed off to Mum and Dad's on the bikes. I was expecting it to be a lot harder work than it actually was and arrived at my folks feeling fine. We had a coffee and a blether, then headed back home again. It was even easier on the way home in the sunshine.
After lunch we headed to Aikerness for the dogs to have a run around on the beach. We just managed to stop Sigyn rolling on the carcass of a pilot whale which was washed up before Christmas. It smells pretty bad now.
Soon it will be time for HV to go to work, and I will trundle off to do a quote for fitting a couple of shower rooms. It would be nice to get the work, but we shall see.
As Saturdays go, today has been pretty good.

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