Effort of some sort

"Things which do not require effort of some sort are seldom worth having"
.—Ivor Novello

Rydyn ni'n paratoi am gynhadledd yfory. Rydw i wedi cael fy ngofyn i dynnu lluniau yn ystod y diwrnod.  Nid yw hyn fy math arferol o ffotograffiaeth.  Treuliais i rai o amser yn arbrofi oherwydd roeddwn i eisiau gwneud fy ngorau ar y dydd. Teimlais i ysbrydoli gan y dyfyniad gan Ivor Novello ar wal y bwyty. Ro'n i'n meddwl y byddai fe angen ymdrech i dynnu lluniau da yfory. (Bydda i angen mwy na golau'r sêr ...)

Ivor Novello - I Can Give You the Starlight - Vanessa Lee

We are preparing for a conference tomorrow. I've been asked to take pictures during the day. This is not my usual type of photography. I spent some time experimenting because I wanted to do my best on the day. I felt inspired by the quote from Ivor Novello on the restaurant wall. I thought  it would need effort to take good pictures tomorrow. (I'll need more than star light ...)

Ivor Novello - I Can Give You the Starlight - Vanessa Lee

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