Wonder Woman
It is Friday, we were tired and it has been a busy week...."We can do this!" I said to Amanda, "We shall use our super powers."
We didn't leave base until 1pm, but we had to be there for 11:30. Pat and I were the drivers and as we didn't want sit through our manager talking about bleed capacity and other stuff like that we decided to use the time wisely and clean the mini bus inside and out. Oh, blasting that jet spray is quite cathartic! They were still talking capacity, session flow and out times so we then decided to clean the lorry too. My, they looked shiny and white!
"I am Batman," I said to Amanda.
"You can't be Batman...he's a man!"
"Damn...Okay, I'm Wonder Woman then."
I twirled every now and again and by jingo I felt the super power emanate through me. Amanda flew around like Superwoman....Super Hero sessions are definitely the way forward.
I hadn't quite hit my ten thousand steps when I arrived home...I had been tempted by chocolate biscuits today and as I felt guilty I went out for a walk. It was freezing, it was late, but I stepped out and totted up the number to 10,501. I think I shall do a Wonder Woman twirl to celebrate!
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