Scottish night here tomorrow, so I've made a few unseasonal flowers. Preparation for the party is a fair bit behind schedule, what with yesterday's drama taking up the whole afternoon and evening, then today's fire in the kitchen stove taking up a fair part of the day. No serious damage (save to the stove, my lungs and my nerves!)
Miracle Lazarus fish continues to sedately swim around the tank. I just still can't believe it. I'm a little shocked, to be honest, at how much this has all upset me. Obviously he has more of a right to be upset, and I don't blame him for swimming away nervously whenever I go near him!
Watched as much of the inauguration as I could bear. The simultaneous translation into French was hilarious though. The translator just seemed to ignore anything he considered nonsense. Very wise.
It's been a funny couple of days. Mr B is home now, so normal service is resumed. Let's see if he can get into his kilt tomorrow - after all that cheese I have low confidence.
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