Robin at close quarters.Very close quarters!

I took my normal Friday trip down to the River Avon with my Grandson in the car for his lunchtime nap.
   Once he had gone to sleep I set the baby monitor before walking a hundred yards or so.Just to see if the Heron was on its station @ the weir?
  Much to my disappointment it was not!
So I sat on one of the riverside pub tables to rest my legs.Soon I was joined by this little creature,who was totally fearless.
  At first it was on a fence some 20 feet away.But gradually as it became more inquisitive.It came closer and closer.Until it was so close that I thought it would be too close for lens to focus on it! 
  This shot is of it some 3 meters away on the next table.And I was stunned!!!!
   It has obviously become accustomed to people being there with their meals,And I dare say has begged the occasional morsel ?
   I think the next time I go there.I will take some bird food with me and a much shorter focal length lens?     lol    Something like my 90 mm Macro lens me thinks?
 I had never realised they had such beautiful brown eyes? Much like the Dunnock?

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