displaced cattail...
...looking lonely in the park
they're supposed to grow in ponds...
grow in clumps - or groups... at least be in about a foot or more of water...
i found a mere 3 of them - in approximately 4 inches of water, if you could call it that... it was more like muckiness - and they were simply stuck in with some wildflowers... how they got there - why there weren't more of them - why i didn't see them last year or the year before? questions that'll never be answered... but i do know this -
they brought to mind a childhood memory for me - of playtimes with my brothers... when we'd troop down the hill a couple blocks from our house - to the big pond we called a slu... where beavers made their homes - we'd ice skate in the winter months - daring each other to see who'd go out the farthest without falling... and we'd see bunches of these wonderful cattails - acting like nature's fence around the waterline... sometimes we'd yank 'em hard to take them home to mom as flowers - don't know what we were thinking with that one, i guess it's what kids do...
memories are a pleasant way to spend an afternoon - they can bring warm fuzzies of remembrance - in this case for my mom... gonna put a call in to her tonight - just to say hello - ask her what she thought about those cattails we presented to her all those years ago... and giggle with her over childhood funnies - you can't beat that kind of moment with a loved one - maybe you have a special memory to share... a phone call that should be made... go now - do it... don't wait - it'll make for...
happy day.....
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