Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Orienteering Competition

This is possibly one of my favourite all time photos of my family. I love how natural it is and how it captures us having fun together whilst being active (it has been framed, not only for us, but for the Grandparents, too!). Unfortunately we have no idea who took the photo as we didn't even know someone was taking our photo!
A friend of ours is a member of an Orienteering club in Brussels and has been telling us about these events for years (she put the above photo on facebook as someone from her club had taken it). As keen as we were to get involved we always felt that the kids were too young so we've been waiting until they were a bit older so that they could really enjoy it. My husband actually took them to an Orienteering event yesterday, when I was in Frankfurt, and they loved it so much that they asked if they could go again today with me, and I'm so pleased they did as it really was a lot of fun.
We split into two teams - girls against the boys - and set off. Things have moved on since I last orienteered (back in my student days) and the little zapper things were cool. I loved trying to work out where to go with Olivia and we got genuinely excited when we stumbled across the marker! The boys did a different course and the photo above is of us meeting up and then sprinting towards the final zapper thingy (everyone, no matter what course they do have to go the final zapper thingy). You then go back to the hall where they scan your results and you get a print out of how well you did and get graded for your times. The boys actually got a bit of a better result than us, but we'll get them back next time!

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