
By Legacy

Here I Am!

What does it mean when a duck walks up and puts his beak on the camera lens?  I'm going to assume he wanted his picture taken, so I obliged.  Of course he might only have been curious since I was lying on my stomach at the open door passing out bread.  I took it as a sign he was eager to be photographed or trying to be helpful.  Either way, it worked out nicely for me.  

I have two male mallards and two females who haunt my back door.  If I can keep the geese away I'll pass out some bread.  Today, the geese were particularly annoyed with that and one actually picked a duck up by his wing and tossed him out in the yard then turned around and hissed at me.  Tenants aren't supposed to feed the geese at my apartment but nobody said anything about ducks so I'll throw them some bread when the geese aren't around.  Sadly, the geese are a lot smarter than I thought and I now have two of them who hang out with the four ducks.  Never underestimate a determined goose.

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