I feel I am doing quite well with these 7.00 starts so far.

We went to the beach today, Exmouth to be exact. Another first in the history of GHP and it was actually decent beach weather when we went to the beach. As my car is officially in the garage I have a hire car that honestly sounds like a tractor and can't go above 40 mph. Absolute nightmare.

All the girls get major excited about the beach minus the leaders who all hate the beach except me. The water at Exmouth is quite shallow for a long way out so you can paddle up to your knees but still feel out at sea.
As per usual the girls (slash Anna) are determined to get you wet by splashing or hugging you. I dodged Anna's 2 attempts but still managed to get fairly wet from throwing some girls into the water.

D, Lyds and I had a walk and arcaded it up. I made 50p.. well kind of lost 50p too but I feel good for quitting when I was ahead. Then got an icecream, made a sandcastle car for the kids and yeah.

Good day but everyone got a bit frazzled.

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