Life is like a river

By Gunnlaug

Home sweet home

Today was a happy day for my brother's family :)
Their little girl, born prematurely on August 11th, was allowed to go home after 2 weeks in NICU. She's strong and healthy and such a cute little girl. I hope everything will go smoothly from now on :)

We drove home to Akureyri in the afternoon after a nice day in the capital.
I was very tired and "fibromyalgic" - is that even a word? - today so I didn't really enjoy the long drive and scenery along the way. I was very happy to crawl under the duvet in my own bed after I'd thrown the luggage on the sofa. Enough time to worry about unpacking and doing the laundry tomorrow...

And maybe it's no wonder I'm tired; My father told us we had at least 1830 km / 1140 miles behind us during the last 12 days... and some mountain-climbing to boot!

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