
By Kaysha

My Beautiful Boys

We decided to brave poolside today and weren't sure exactly what we'd be letting ourselves in for but we were actually quite pleasantly surprised. Yes, all the sun loungers had towels on them before I'd even wiped the sleep from my eyes and the all-day pool music had a definite whiff of camembert about it but the kids were mesmerised at the dancing, singing and silly games being played and, as they say, it's all about the kids. If they love it, we have a relaxed day so everyone's a winner! We even managed lunch at the hotel without any tears or tantrums - could it get any better than this?

Well, yes it could. Grandma and Grandad called to say they'd take the kids for the evening and had made a dinner reservation for Rob and I at a gorgeous little restaurant. Delicious food, good wine and the scintillating company of my gorgeous husband. It was a definite Calsberg day.

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