Ease On Down, Ease On Down The Road

Out dogging today ... up the railway path, then we took the road less travelled round the lane (above) to the river and back through the fields.

The final stretch along the river has become very overgrown very quickly. The nettles, brambles and aniseedy-fennell smelling stuff was taller than me at some points so by the time I got home I was stung, scratched and looking as well as smelling like the pink one from a box of licquorice allsorts. And they're no-ones favourite.

In other news, I heard on the radio that day 2 of a festival of youth, Creamfields, was cancelled because of heavy rain. A festival-goer was interviewed on the radio for the news and said 'It was, like, proper wet and that'. Honestly, I despair.

Ease On Down The Road, Michael Jackson, The Wiz, 1978

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