
By cowgirl

Maternal duty

Once Sav had slept off his night shift it turned out to be a nice day. He'd seen a sign for an art show in Holt so we headed off there to see what was on display. The trouble is that I'm so used to Sav's standard of painting that I'm afraid the pictures there didn't impress me much, altho all of them were hundreds of miles better than anything I could do.

After that we had a walk around The Courts gardens where I snapped this Emerald dragonfly laying her eggs, not much of a shot, but I like the shimmery wings. We had a lovely Marshfields raspberry pavolva flavoured ice cream each before heading back home again, which Sav declared the bestest ice cream he'd ever had!

Now watching " Inspector George Gently " with a cup of tea and a huge box of chocolates that were a " thank you " for looking after the ferrets.

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