Catching up

What an utterly crazy day.

I had a full day with my business studies group, focussed on coursework research and prep. It was such a productive day. Really positive and students were so good.

Staff training and meetings followed that.

Home, with my pal Lisa (she got to my house before I did!). Fortunately I had put a Caribbean stew in the slow cooker last night so that was ready for us. Wolfed that down, had a chinwag, then headed out to a training event for a business venture we are both involved in.

The event was excellent. Left feeling really energised.

Home. In bed by ten, but not able to sleep as James was still on his way back home.

He came in to update me on his day. I love our chats. He makes me laugh a lot.

I am struck by how much he resembles me. Poor kid!

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