twinned with trumpton


A day out; thankfully. To Wester Hailes on the bike; a decent slog there into a steady wind. And after tea and shortbread with Mrs P, it was into the guts of Gorgie for an hour of poking about. 

That done, I was off with the wind at my back across the southside and managed to grab half an hour for lunch to chum Baz with Herbie around EH15. So my day for saying hi to remote colleagues. 

And back to work; Craigmillar beckoned; and back up the hill to town to round of a 48km sort of a day. Plus countless flights of stairs too. It's no wonder I'm knackered this evening. 

But a school pick up picked me up and we chatted and cooked and laughed through toad in the hole and bath time and stories. 

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