'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Not too bad...

... for a photo taken rather quickly whilst sat at traffic lights this morning!

Three beautiful things:
A sunny drive along the coastline from one school to another - makes all the miles worth it sometimes.

Reaching the bottom of the driveway this morning just in time to catch a stunning sunrise.

10, 000 steps - I am really enjoying this month's commitment to walking at least 10,000 steps a day.  My current role is much more sedentary so the majority of these steps are spent walking with the dogs outside which is just pure bliss particularly at this time of year when I can get quite claustrophobic with the amount of time spent inside.  This afternoon was particularly pleasant - walking from the late afternoon into early evening through the sunset and eventually arriving back home to a clear sky full of stars.  It also means that I know the dogs have also walked at least 4 miles a day - meaning it isn't such a shock when we go on our longer walks.  I had forgotten to take my phone with me during the morning dog walk so had to walk lots of extra steps just to ensure I still registered at least the 10, 000.

One thing to be grateful for:
My local garage replacing my headlight bulbs this afternoon and not needing to go to Halfords.  Phew!
(Yes I know - I should be able to replace them myself but actually it is quite complicated on a Qashqai!)

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